Thursday, June 11, 2009

Command line for Quercus project - Php in Java

Quercus is a mature industry oriented platform for PHP/Java solutions. Well, it is around for a few years, has a rich PHP modules support, and is claimed to be faster then mod_php, because of compiled bytecode, cache management, etc.

Unfortunately that beast is primary targeted to support web applications only under Resin werbser. But with closer look, it turns out that not only the webserver presense is not required, but you can actually run it from command line. I have recently added this pet project - an ad hoc to support detached functionality of this nice PHP in Java implementaiton.

All the feedback is welcomed. Future plans are to do a lot of testing, properly mimic php-cli behaivor, implement CGI support.


Alternative projects are ProjectZero and Faun. The last one is also my lovely pet ;)

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