Sunday, November 30, 2008

Q: What is eduction (of a brain)?

A: Education is a constant dialog with your brain (or technically, I think, a specialist will say between both of head brain's hemispheres). If your brain is interested in something that means it is ready to learn this something, that means there are enough connections in your neural network, that are active enough, to make the final conclusion - the final connection. So if you are about to study something, do it with passion and understanding, thus building and exploding a better network for a
better understanding. And finally, the proper understanding is actually a conclusion that is often your own discovery of a particular small fact, that you have just come up with and you are able to see it very clearly by repeatedly accessing a result from the same neural circuit which allows you to compute that fact. So, if you are about to grade results of your own eduction, then grade it by measuring not applicative skills of knowledge, but the discovering skills with help of that knowledge as well as all the small discoveries themselves.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

counting automaton problem

As I've promised, here is the problem inspired by the riddle from the Sophus book. I don't want to cite the text from the page. Briefly, speaking it may be a very simple problem with a simple solution or a problem without solution at all.